- [PDF] Visio Workshop free tutorial for Beginners

- [PDF] Visio Workshop free tutorial for Beginners

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Beginner tutorial for Visio.


Level : Beginners Created : October 14, Size : Summary on tutorial Visio Workshop. Computer PDF guide you and allow you to save on your studies. Download the file. Office Computer programming Web programming Database 93 Operating system 68 Mathematics 60 Graphics 56 Other 54 Network 50 Computer security 46 Computer architecture 23 design and analysis Online courses in Videos. Visio Workshop in Videos. When the diagram template opens, most of the space is taken up with a blank diagramming page.

Along the side is the Shapes window, which contains several stencils full of shapes. The stencils are identified by title bars at the top of the Shapes window; you might need to scroll the title bar pane to see them all. When you click a stencil title bar, the shapes appear in the pane below. In the left pane of the Open dialog box, click the drive or folder that contains the drawing. In the right pane of the Open dialog box, open the folder that contains the drawing that you want.

You can save your diagram as a standard Visio file that you can share with other people who have Visio. In addition, there are many different formats that you can save your diagram in directly from the Save As dialog box. Click Save As , and then select a format in the Save as type list. Web page in HTM format. Image files and other resource files are saved in a subfolder of the location where you save the HTM file. For more information about how to add shapes, see Use the Shapes window to organize and find shapes and Find more shapes and stencils.

To add a shape to the drawing page so that it is automatically connected when it is added to the page, do the following:. Hold your pointer over the shape that is already on the page.

Notice that small blue arrows appear on the four sides of the shape. These are AutoConnect arrows that you can use to connect shapes.

A mini toolbar that contains four shapes appears, and a preview shape might also appear on the page. As you move the pointer over the shapes in the mini toolbar, previews of the shapes appear.

The shapes on the toolbar are the top four shapes from the Quick Shapes area. To automatically connect two shapes when you drag the second shape onto the page, do the following:. Drag a second shape onto the drawing page and hold it so it covers the first shape, but do not drop it yet. Notice that the AutoConnect arrows appear. Move the second shape down over the AutoConnect arrow that points in the direction that you want, and drop it on the arrow.

The Analyze shape is spaced a standard distance from the Service Request shape, and is connected automatically. When the AutoConnect arrows appear, move the pointer over an arrow that is pointing toward the other shape that you want to connect to.

Click and hold the AutoConnect arrow, and then drag a connector from it to the center of the other shape. When the arrow is over the center of the other shape, a red border appears around the shape.

Drop the connector to attach it, or "glue" it, to the shape. For more information about how to connect shapes, see Add connectors between shapes in Visio. When you start typing, Visio switches the selected shape to text editing mode.

Select the shape again. A small yellow control handle appears in the text area. Drag the yellow control handle to move the text. On the Home tab, in the Tools group, click the Text tool. The text box now has the characteristics of other shapes.

You can select it and type to change the text, you can drag it to another part of the page, and you can format the text by using the Font and Paragraph groups on the Home tab. In addition, when you hold the pointer over the text, AutoConnect arrows appear so you can connect the text to other shapes. For more information about how to add text blocks, see Add, edit, move, or rotate text and text blocks. In the Shape Data window, in the property row that you want, enter the data that you want.

In the Type list, select the type of data that you want to be entered into that property. Right-click the shape again, point to Data , and this time click Shape Data. The Shape Data window opens and displays all the data that has been defined for the shape. If all of the shapes have specific information, you can leave the Shape Data window open and click the shapes you are interested in to see the data that they contain.

Adding shape data manually can add a lot of value to your diagram, but if your data is in a database or an Excel workbook, you can pull that data into your diagram automatically and connect the rows of data with specific shapes. Use the Data Selector wizard to import your data into the External Data window. The data that appears in the External Data window is a snapshot of your source data at the time of import. You can update the data in your drawing to match the changes in your source data by clicking Refresh All on the Data tab.

On the first page of the Data Selector wizard, choose which of the following types of data sources have the data you're using:. Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services list. After you click Finish on the last page of the Data Connection wizard, the External Data window appears with your imported data shown in a grid. Drag a row of data onto a shape to add automatically the data to the Shape Data for that shape.

Or, in the Shapes window, select a shape that you want to hold the data, and then drag a row of data and drop it on an empty area of the page. The selected shape is added to the page, connected to the data.

Click the background that you want. Free tutorials visio workshop - PDF. Visio Workshop. Description : This Visio hands-on course will provide students with the skills necessary to use the functions and features of Microsoft Visio to create, edit and save Visio diagrams for flow charts, organizational charts, floor plans and workflows. Size : Microsoft PowerPoint Workshop. Size : 1. Microsoft Visio Creating Process Maps. Introduction to Visio Microsoft Visio An Introduction to Word Description : This course includes an introduction to the Microsoft Office interface, and covers the various aspects of creating, formatting, editing, saving, and printing a document in Word PDF file.

Introduction to Word Description : This booklet is the companion document to the Intro to Word workshop. It includes an introduction to the interface, and covers the various aspects of creating, formatting, editing, saving, and printing a document.

Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn't match my screen.



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